Last Wednesday marked the official start to the 2013-2014 school year in our district and it was a huge milestone for the Sosler family! It was the start of full day Kindergarten for our son.
There was a lot of preparation and anticipation for this very big day. His teacher assignment letter was received, school supplies were bought, a visit to the school so he would know where to go. He was prepared, but I certainly was not…
I had been spending most of the summer in denial; having a grand old time enjoying vacation all the while feeling like the summer could last forever. Then reality hit. Where did the summer go to, how could it be over?
Just as a child on the night before the first day of school, I barely slept. I woke up early and showered to get myself together and be ready before both of the kids woke up. We had a plan on how we were going to get out the door on time. Of course, pictures were also on the “to do” list. I call it pulling double duty. Having both my photographer hat on and Mommy hat on at the same time. It can be hard to juggle, especially in a situation where emotions and timing are at the crux.
We did well on time getting out the door, but I guess what I didn’t realize was how much energy it would take to keep myself together, while allowing myself to live in the moment. I made it a point not to get all wrapped up in where is the perfect lighting, angle, and timing, all of the things I think about when I am out on a session. This was ME and MY children. We took a few pictures outside the door in the driveway. Popie even stopped by for a special visit to wish the school goers well on their first day. After he left, we walked to the bus stop holding hands, all the while I could feel his excitement. That huge grin! The hop in his step, he was really ready.
I had so many emotions. Pride for how he was ready for this milestone. Happiness for him and this new adventure. Anxiety that he would meet new challenges without me by his side, but most of all sadness for how that in that one moment where took that first step on the bus that the his relationship with me would be changed. He would become a full time school student and that time during the day would no longer be there for us to spend together.
We took a few more pictures at the bus stop and our neighbors joined us, so we had light hearted chatter about the bus driver and the route. Before we knew it, we heard the bus engine coming down the road. With a big lump in my throat, I let my camera hang down around my neck and bent down to give that last hug and last kiss and let him know how proud I was of him on his new journey and that I would surely miss him. His grin was ear to ear and I have let that image remain in my mind. Do I wish I had a picture of that huge grin, no! Because he and I now have that moment without the camera in front of my face to remember forever. As quickly as the bus drove up, he was in and sitting and ready to go. So we waved good bye and off the bus went, with me never taking a picture of it driving away. It was too hard. The first words out of Genevieve’s mouth “I miss RJ”. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank goodness for sunglasses on a nice and beautiful day, quickly wiping away the tears underneath.
We slowly made took our walk home from the bus stop. I tried to think if I had captured all of the rights moment, but then I let it all go. I LIVED the moment, and that was even better!
Here are the few pictures I did capture on the very first day of Kindergarten. My favorite was seeing that bus coming to drop him back off!
Continue around on the circle, up next is Erin Freeman with her son's first day back to school!
*photo credit and thank you to my husband for the picture of RJ and I together!
Sally Sosler Photography is a natural light on-location lifestyle and portrait photographer serving Orange County, New York and the surrounding areas. Sally Sosler Photography specializes in newborn, maternity, children and family sessions. Please "like" Sally Sosler Photography on Facebook.